Welcome to Spartan C#!

My name is Pierre Plourde. I am a C# developer in the .NET ecosystem using multiple .NET and related technologies. I am committed to building modular, scalable, and well-documented applications with the end user's needs in mind, whether that's a requirement for a minimum viable product (MVP), a full featured application, or bug fixes, feature enhancements, or documentation on an existing project. I have experience building applications using most project types in C#, including Console Applications, Class Libraries, Windows Forms Applications, WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) Applications, ASP.NET Core Razor Pages Web Applications, ASP.NET Core Model-View-Controller (MVC) Web Application, ASP.NET Core Web APIs, Blazor Server Applications, Blazor WebAssembly Standalone Applications, Blazor Web Applications, and xUnit Test Projects. I also have exposure to .NET MAUI Applications, ASP.NET Core gRPC Services, and Worker Services.

I also have extensive experience as a database administrator using SQL Server (primarly Microsoft, but also Oracle to a lesser extent), including using SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Data Tools, and the SQL Server Database Project in Visual Studio. I have also used MySQL and SQLite in projects, as well as NoSQL solutions such as MongoDB and Azure CosmosDB. I have used both GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps for CI/CD pipelines.